1.Headship of Christ & Biblical Authority (Discipleship)
We acknowledge Christ as the Head of our church and submit ourselves and all our activities to His will and good pleasure. The Bible is our foundation and Jesus is our King. This is our first core value because it provides the foundation and framework for everything else we do and believe. We don’t claim to have all the answers about the Bible, but we believe it from cover-to-cover and trust that it is God’s perfect, infallible word to us. (Eph. 1:22-23)
2.Big Faith & Sense of Community (Community)
We start small, think big, and go all in for a big God. We want to do what God leads us to do whether it seems to make sense or not. This means giving big to the community and to local, national and global missions, and it means always considering our next step before it’s time to take it. (Acts 2:44-46)
3.Family – Everybody Belongs (Relationships)
We support the spiritual nurturing of the family as one of God’s dynamic means to perpetuate the Christian faith and is valued by God even above the church. People of every color, shape, personality, and story. We believe the church ought to be a home for people of every age, ethnicity, and socio-economic background. We ought to be able to befriend and do life with people who are unique and different than we are. We ask everyone to commit to and fully participate in biblically functioning small groups where they may reach the lost, exercise their gifts, be shepherd, and thus grow in Christ likeness.
4. Creativity & Innovation – Whatever it Takes (Ministry)
We will do whatever it takes, short of sin, to bring more people to Jesus. We will get creative when it comes to communicating our message to the community, and we will work hard to find ways to speak the language of our culture and be a safe place for people who are far from God to connect with us. We will constantly evaluate our forms and methods, seeking cultural relevance and maximum ministry effectiveness for Christ; without compromising the scripture. (1 Chr. 12:32)
5. Lost People & Messy Ministry (Evangelism)
We are crazy about broken, so we embrace messy ministry. We highly value counseling, coaching, and recovery ministry knowing in advance that it’s messy, requires time and involvement, and creates inconvenience. We love people who are hurting and want to do whatever we can to help. We value the unchurched, lost people, wounded saints and will use every available Christ-honoring means to pursue, win, and disciple them. (Luke 19:10)
6. Empowering & Releasing (Service)
Saved People Serve People, so we grow from consumers into contributors. We seek to equip all our uniquely designed and gifted people to effectively accomplish the work of the ministry. When someone becomes part of the Northeast Community Church family, we’re careful to never ask what we can get from them but instead to ask what we can get for them. How can we help them discover their God-given SHAPE and serve His purposes in the most fulfilling way.
7. Mobilized Congregation for Kingdom Growth through Multiplication (Missions & Church Plantings)
Because the local church is the hope of the world, we multiply for the Kingdom’s sake. To fulfill the Great Commission, we want to help believers share their faith stories and share Jesus with their friends and family. We want to start new services, open new venues, expand to multiple sites, and plant other churches. And we want to dare people to host small groups that multiply into more small groups. And we will invest in and resource other like-minded church planters in our community and beyond.. (Ep. 4:11-13)
Jesus is worthy of our passionate, whole-hearted worship. We want our Encounter Worship Experiences to allow freedom for believers who praise God by singing, raising their hands, and expressing worship in various and vibrant ways, while also being sensitive to those who are still spiritual seekers.
We fight for simplicity and keep the pathway to growth clear. We avoid adding programs and focus on living out our purposes instead. We try to stay un-busy and uncluttered. We provide clear “next steps” for every person to take. And we trust our pastor(s) and leaders to lead us forward with a whole lot of red tape. We vote as a church on only a few things, like buying land or building buildings.
We stay fast, fluid, and flexible and embrace change. There are no sacred cows. We try to avoid doing “annual” events and establishing traditions that may lose their meaning or effectiveness. Instead, we stay creative and cultivate a willingness to do things in a new way.